Monday, November 8, 2010

Luck of the Draw!

Another great but long day at Sporta Club for Team USA. You can see from the photo the club is very space efficient. What you see is almost the entire venue! On the other side of the building there are lockerrooms, a small cafe which is earning annual revenues over the course of this week, a pool (unavailable for use) and a workout center (whose hours for our use are quite limited.) There was, temporarily, a wireless signal near the cafe. They moved it inside due to the frigid temperatures and gale force winds and shortly after, it shut down. It's Sunday. I think we can look forward to more services when the workday begins tomorrow. We'll encounter traffic and hopefully we wont be in the multiple fender benders that Argentina experienced today. They are all fine, but the SUV that T-boned their minivan is near totalled.

Most of todays matches were USA vs. USA so I decided to post some pictures of yesterday's opponents so you can get a sense of some of the players that are here and see some of ours. In the USA vs. USA matches today, here's what happened:

Chris Gordon beat Todd Harrity in a 3-1 battle. Chris then went on to lose 3-1 to Erik Tepos from Mexico.

Natalie Grainger played Olivia Blatchford and won 3-0.

Both Kristen Lange and Amanda Sobhy won their morning matches against Columbia (Lange def. Flautero 3-0 and Sobhy def. Porras 3-0) so they advanced to play each other in the quarter-finals this evening. Amanda won 3-0 and she faces Natalie in the semi-finals Monday evening.


Doubles begins Monday and the Men open with Brasil at 9am and the Women follow at 10am against Canada. Mixed goes on in the afternoon. This is doubles in a singles court - eyewear is required and its both serious and fun. Another chance to medal as we see it!

Stay tuned, Hope

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