Sunday, September 27, 2009

Preparations for Worlds...

The team all arrived on Thursday into Copenhagen where we all hopped on a two hour a train ride to Odense. After a long rest we went out for a traditional Danish dinner (Mexican burritos!).

Training began the next day with a first look at the 7 court facility with a permanent glass court. Each of us were getting the rust out from the long trip over.

After training, the team went out for a look at downtown Odense. After careful consideration we settled on a coffee shop in the main square where we were offered blankets to cut the chill, which we all gladly accepted. Day two in Odense found most all of the teams arriving and fighting for practice court time. We managed to cram all four players onto the court for a quick session.

That afternoon the opening ceremonies began with words from the President of Danish Squash, CEO of WSF and the mayor of Odense. In the evening we had our first training meal at a local Italian place where we ran into our first round oppenents Finland. Off to bed to rest up for our first match!

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